Set up a YubiKey as a software token (HOTP)

In the following steps, we will explain how to configure your YubiKey as a HOTP software token and then register it in the system for two-factor authentication.

Afterwards, the OTP can be entered into OTP fields by pressing and holding the YubiKey button.

App öffnen

Step 1

Insert your YubiKey into the PC.
Then open the
"YubiKey Personalization Tool" program.

If you haven't installed the program yet, you can download and install it from the manufacturer's website:

YubiKey Personalization Tool


HOTP wählen

Step 2

In the app, click on the "OATH-HOTP" tab and then on the "Quick" button.


Slot wählen

Step 3

Select "Configuration Slot 2" to avoid overwriting the pre-configured "Yubico OTP" in Slot 1.


Optionen festlegen

Step 4

Important: Uncheck the box for "OATH Token Identifier (6 bytes)".

Under "HOTP Length", select "6 Digits".



Step 5

Uncheck "Hide secret" and copy the displayed security key.

Then click the
"Write Configuration" button.



Step 6

Now go to the Token Management page and under "Request a software token", select the option "Event-based generator (HOTP)...".



Step 7

Optionally, you can set a short description, e.g., "YubiKey 1".

Paste the copied security key from Step 5 into the input field for the "Secret Key".

Then click the "REQUEST" button.


Hinterlegung erfolgreich

Step 8

Your token will now be registered in the 2FA system.
Before you can use it, it must be activated.

"Perform activation".



Step 9

Now, two consecutive OTPs from your YubiKey must be entered.

Press and hold the YubiKey button.
The form will be automatically submitted, prompting for the second OTP.

Press and hold the YubiKey button again to complete the activation.